Welcome to The Darkest Shade of Green

Oil on Birch, 2014

Single Serving Friend. Oil on Birch, 2014

You’ve somehow managed to find The Darkest Shade of Green, welcome. I have always been relatively into health and wellness, but recently I have somehow kicked it up to a whole new level. I thought it would be interesting to keep track of the journey my man and I are making as we try to feel the best we can while making adjustments to our lifestyle (he is not as excited about it as I am and is being dragged along only partially kicking and screaming).

I decided to name the blog The Darkest Shade of Green because both my man and I are fans of darker side of life…as in dressed in black head to toe is our normal, we love everything from horror movies to motorcycles, stoner metal (& a lot of random music in general) to a serious leather jacket obsession. And then there are the farmers markets…(which is where the green comes in).

If you stick around, and I can keep up with the demands of posting content on a semi-regular basis, you will see healthy recipes (mainly vegetarian and vegan), find tips that I’m learning through my health journey, and maybe even find out how to survive quitting sugar, which we are going to attempt (and are both terrified to start).  There will probably also be a lot of motorcycle related content as well as my artwork (above), so if you’re into that sort of thing I hope you’ll keep checking back.


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